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Technology for APAC ATM – from APAC ATM White Paper to Airspace APAC   

The APAC ATM White Paper was circulated to numerous ATM technology companies upon its completion in early 2024. While the White Paper has identified regional challenges and broad solutions, there is a need for greater granularity of the required technology and …



Human powered Air Navigation: Why Your Organisation Needs the Updated CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management

In this new blog, the chair team of the CANSO Safety Human Performance Workgroup talk about the updated Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management In today’s ever-evolving air traffic management (ATM) landscape, the role of human performance has …



Why regional: The West and the rest in aviation  

Why Regional: The West and the Rest in Aviation   “Getting it wrong is mostly not about ignorance or culture. As we will show, poor countries are poor because those who have power make choices that create poverty.” Why Nations …



Regional Cross-Border ATFM Virtually! Really?  

“In computing, the term virtual refers to a digitally replicated version of something real, whether it’s a machine, a switch, memory or even reality.  It is distinguished from the real by the fact that it lacks an absolute, physical …



Shaping the Future of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM): CANSO’s Action-Packed Week of Key Events

CANSO has participated in several key events aimed at laying important groundwork for the future of AAM, bringing together industry experts, regulators, and innovators to address both the challenges and opportunities on the horizon. These included the first ICAO AAM …



A Higher Vantage Point – the APAC Ministerial Conference

Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”  This seems to suggest that we need to transcend the immediate and obvious and approach our challenges from …


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