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airspace is CANSO’s magazine for ATM and aviation’s key players, and includes perspectives from key decision-makers and thought-leaders, and technical insights from industry experts and partners.
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In the latest issue
What’s on offer
Welcome to this 63rd issue of Airspace Magazine.
A key focus for the global Air Traffic Management industry today is putting in place the building blocks on which to improve performance in all areas of our industry – safety, operations, capacity and recruiting and retaining the next generation of aviation professionals.
We continue that theme in this latest issue of Airspace Magazine, starting with a look at how Air Navigation Service Providers across Europe are contending with the challenges of traffic growth, and their plans to enhance performance next summer
One of the success stories this year was the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and you can read about how the French ANSP, DSNA, managed the complex challenge of handling increased traffic around the French capital in that busy time.
Recruitment of future employees remains a challenge, so we also explore the Tomorrow’s Voices initiative, and CANSO’s new work in the field of diversity, equality and inclusion.
And finally, we take a deep dive into the challenge of managing increasingly complex skies, and the key safety priorities that lie ahead in 2025.
Read on to find out more about how the ATM industry is coming together to create, shape, and manage future skies.

Improving European ATM performance in summer 2025
The 2024 European summer was another challenging period for air navigation service providers (ANSPs). In the core summer months of June to August, there were 16.9 million minutes of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) delay, according to EUROCONTROL.

DSNA gets gold medal for Olympic preparations
Managing airspace during a global event is not easy for an air navigation service provider (ANSP). There is not only a massive increase in air traffic but also a heavy influx of VIP and general aviation flights – not to mention drones and helicopters taking to the skies for filming or judging purposes.

Paving the way for sustainable airspace provision
In the run-up to the 80th anniversary of the signing of the Chicago Convention which laid the foundation for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), its 14th Air Navigation Conference (AN-CONF/14) once again highlighted ICAO’s importance to air traffic management.
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