
CANSO Europe is the voice of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) in the European region. CANSO provides a platform to respond to challenges for air traffic management (ATM) and create an environment for ANSPs to enhance ATM performance through collaboration. CANSO Europe membership is compromised of 35 member Air Navigation Service Providers.

CANSO’s Europe mission:

To be the voice of air navigation service providers (ANSPs) in Europe; provide a platform to respond to challenges for air traffic management (ATM); and create an environment for ANSPs to enhance ATM performance through collaboration.

CANSO’s objectives in Europe are to:

Advocate for an evolution towards performance-based regulation to create an environment which enables CANSO members to
choose the means by which they deliver required performance. CANSO promotes that regulatory regimes should empower ANSPs incentivizing and increasing flexibility. We strive to make sure that ANSPs continue to play a key role in the future aviation system and that they are given a fair chance to contribute to, and succeed in, this change process.

Steer, anticipate and influence the development and implementation of European legislation and the European institutional framework to ensure a sustainable air transport business. CANSO promotes an institutional and regulatory framework that empowers ANSPs to embrace new and potentially disruptive technologies, be more competitive and provide a cost effective service to their customers.

Promote modernisation and standardisation of the ATM industry. CANSO is committed to ensure a new, modernised approach to airspace management and to secure an integral role of ANSPs in the emerging traffic management market. CANSO advocates the
accelerated deployment of new technologies and calls for adequate public funding and incentive schemes to speed up the process. CANSO supports a modular, standardised, open systems architecture that favours digitalisation, system-wide information management (SWIM) and other future concepts and technologies interoperability and interconnectivity of systems. Moreover is determined to make a better use of airspace by developing ICAO procedures, techniques and standards to create capacity.

CANSO is committed to reach a framework that considers the impact of all actors that affect the performance of the European Network,
a simplified, harmonised legislative framework underpinned by better regulation principles, in an environment that supports effective dialogue, effective use of manpower and change management and that enables coordinated transition and adoption of European wide CONOPS.

CANSO European Region leads CANSO’s policy and lobbying input into the European Union bodies (Commission, Parliament, Council), EUROCONTROL, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), SESAR Joint Undertaking and the SESAR Deployment Manager, as well as to the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and the European and North Atlantic (EUR/NAT) Office of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); and coordinates air navigation service provider (ANSP) best practice in the region. Much of the focus is on shaping and influencing the Single European Sky initiative.

Read more in the brochure.


CANSO Europe Region
Wetstraat 82, rue de la Loi
1040 Brussels

Tel: 32 (0)2 255 1090
Fax: 32 (0)2 203 8916