Indra and Skyguide strengthen safety and efficiency at Geneva and Zurich airports


Indra is one of the main technology partners of Swiss air navigation service provider skyguide, ensuring safe and efficient air traffic and airport operations. The companies have recently completed the implementation of the Advanced Runway Safety Improvement (ARSI) solution at Geneva Airport after the great results obtained in Zurich, where this solution has boosted safety since its deployment in 2019.

The ARSI solution improves runway safety by automatically detecting if air traffic control gives conflicting clearances or if a pilot does not follow instructions. In case of conflicting clearances or non-conformance, the air traffic controller automatically gets an electronic warning, allowing more time to react and prevent potential critical situations. In 2019, Indra and Skyguide were honoured with Jane’s ATC Award after implementing the solution at Zurich Airport, characterized by its intersecting runways.

Runway safety Europe