The number of flights managed by ENAIRE in November was 8.4 per cent higher than in 2023, a record year
ENAIRE managed over 170,000 flights (171,828) in November, 8.4 per cent more than in the same month in 2023, a record year.
International flights in November (94,870) were up by 10.5 per cent, domestic flights (36,482) 6.4 per cent, and overflights (40,476), which do not land at or depart from a Spanish airport, 5.4 per cent.
This growth in air traffic in Spain in November exceeds by almost 4 percentage points (3.8 per cent) the European average, which stands at 4.6 per cent, and is 20 percentage points higher (19.9 per cent) compared to the same month in 2019 (before the COVID pandemic), which was at -3.8 per cent.