Ports of Jersey upgrades aeronautical message handling system with FREQUENTIS

  • Ports of Jersey Limited has successfully implemented Frequentis’ smartMessenger 7 aeronautical message handling system (AMHS) 
  • The system integrates with critical aviation systems, ensuring smooth communication and effective air traffic management (ATM) 
  • smartMessenger’s version 7 updates offer robust support for essential services, boosting overall operational efficiency 

As the leading provider responsible for managing Jersey airport and harbours, Ports of Jersey plays a key role in ensuring smooth transit for millions of passengers annually. The implementation of smartMessenger 7 involves seamless integration of hardware, software, and comprehensive services, enhancing performance and ensuring business continuity for Ports of Jersey. The system is set up in a virtual environment featuring one operational and one test system, running from computer servers installed in two separate buildings. 

Communications Europe