ICAO’s 14th Air Navigation Conference: Driving Performance Improvement for a Sustainable Future


Montreal – 26 August to 6 September 2024

As the aviation world keeps changing rapidly, the upcoming ICAO 14th Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/14) is a great chance for the entire aviation community to come together and make a real impact on the future of air navigation and safety. The theme, Performance Improvement Driving Sustainability, highlights the pressing need to tackle aviation’s global environmental challenges while keeping our skies safe and efficient.

CANSO staff will be present throughout the two-week meeting, making sure that the air traffic management (ATM) industry’s voice is heard loud and clear. We’re committed to being at the forefront of the global conversation on air navigation and safety.

We’re also excited to have a booth at the conference where we’ll be showing off our GreenATM environmental accreditation programme. This initiative is a key part of how we’re benchmarking environmental efforts and helping to guide ANSPs in their efforts to help reduce the environmental impact of flying.

A Global Consensus on Improvement

The main aim of AN-Conf/14 is to reach a global agreement on how aviation can improve performance across the board, helping ICAO, Member States, and industry players to manage limited resources, embrace new technologies, and stay sustainable. This conference is a key moment for the aviation industry to agree on the best strategies to drive sustainability and performance improvement worldwide.

Who’s Coming?

The conference brings together top officials from all 193 ICAO Member States, along with their high-level technical advisors who specialise in air navigation and safety. These decision-makers are crucial for the conference’s success. We’ll also see representatives from non-Member States, international organisations, and even some non-traditional aviation innovators joining in as observers, adding fresh perspectives to the mix.

Why the ATM Industry Should Get Involved

For CANSO members, AN-Conf/14 is a golden opportunity to have a say in the global conversation on air navigation and safety, helping steer international aviation policy and practices. By coming together, we can ensure that the solutions we develop are practical, forward-thinking, and ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the future. The ICAO Affairs Working Group has played a pivotal role in helping shape our industry positions, ensuring that our collective voice is both influential and aligned with the evolving needs of global aviation

Setting the Stage for the Future

AN-Conf/14 isn’t just another meeting—it’s a stepping stone between the 41st and 42nd Sessions of the ICAO Assembly. What comes out of this conference will directly shape ICAO’s 2023-2025 Business Plan, influencing what the organisation focuses on and how resources are allocated. A big part of this is making sure safety and air navigation strategies align with the long-term goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This conference is about strategically refocusing on what matters most, so we can keep the global aviation system safe, efficient, and resilient.

The 14th Air Navigation Conference comes at a defining moment for the future of aviation. Change in the next 25 years will come faster than in the last 25. The decisions made at this conference will play a crucial role in shaping an industry that’s not only safe and efficient but also sustainable for generations to come.