Regional Focus: CANSO Africa Safety Series – Safety Risk Management Pt. 1
The CANSO Africa Safety Risk Management workshop will offer updates, approaches and best practice for the assessment and mitigation of safety risks, providing safety experts from the region the opportunity to expand capabilities, discuss key issues and learn from colleagues across the globe. The workshop will be presented in a series of three episodes.
In the first episode, we will focus on safety risk management analysis and hazard identification, explaining how to use and benefit from the 5M Model and the preliminary hazard list (PHL). It will be illustrated by using Covid-19 and the return to normal operations (RNO) as a case study.
The CANSO Africa Safety Risk Management workshop will continue by examining hazard analysis and assessment on 25 June, 14:00-16:00 CEST, and risk treatment and monitoring, 2 July, 14:00-16:00 CEST.