CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2023

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Hindu temple on Bratan lake landscape, one of famous tourist attraction in Bali, Indonesia

Think Global, Collaborate Regional, Accomplish Local – The Sequel

Following the success of the CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2022, we continued the conversations in Bali, Indonesia.

Kindly hosted by AirNav Indonesia, the CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2023 was held from Tuesday 11 to Thursday 13 July.

Our full programme included the usual mix of insightful debate, discussion and conversation you expect from a CANSO Asia Pacific Conference. We had, for example, a fireside chat with a senior ANSP leader, a panel discussion on how regional ATM can be designed to benefit the Asia Pacific, a discussion about culture and talent development, and a look at how we can maximise the impact and benefits of digital technology for air navigation services.

And, of course, alongside all of that were numerous opportunities for networking at our opening Welcome Reception on 11 July, at our exhibition which ranfor the duration of the conference, and during the fascinating host event .

Tell us what you thought

If you attended the CANSO Asia Pacific Conference 2023 we would love to know what you thought of it.

Please tell us what we did well, and where we could improve.

Event Details

11 – 13 July 2023

Bali, Indonesia


Terms and Conditions


Contact us

For all CANSO events information please contact:

CANSO Events
Tel: +31 (0)23 568 5390

Interested in sponsorship or exhibition space at this event?
Please contact:

Mike Treacher
VP Sales

APAC Conference Asia-Pacific