ENAIRE, Spain’s Air Force, the Civil Aviation General Directorate (DGAC) and EUROCONTROL hold the first workshop in Spain on civil-military coordination in airspace management
- Civil and military representatives from EUROCONTROL, Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom and Romania shared their experience on the Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) during a two-day work session at the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in Madrid
- In Spain, the DGAC, ENAIRE and the Air Force are working toward the flexible use of airspace by coordinating civil and military needs to facilitate the efficient use of Spanish airspace. Thanks to this efficient management, the safety of military operations is improved, increasing the amount of civil traffic while reducing fuel consumption – and thus CO2 emissions – as much as possible
- Eurocontrol supports and actively participates in this pioneering initiative promoted by ENAIRE, which also includes the DGAC, the Air Force and Spain’s National Aviation Safety Agency