ENAIRE increases the efficiency of air routes to shift towards more sustainable aviation
- ENAIRE’s CEO, Enrique Maurer, took part in a round table “The challenge to aviation to make sustainability sustainable”, moderated by Montserrat Mestres (AESA), together with Fernando Candela (Iberia), Julio Casas (Aviation BP), Andrés Arranz (SENASA) , Jávier
Gándara (ALA) and Amparo Brea (AENA). - Maurer presented ENAIRE’s Green Sky programme, with actions to reduce aviation emissions, reduce noise levels and improve
environmental management in ENAIRE facilities. - In the first eight months of 2023, route efficiency increased, with a reduction in nautical miles flown of 384,000 km (almost ten times
around the Earth), which translates into 7,200 tonnes of CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere and 2,300 tonnes of fuel saved by