CANSO offers a new platform for ANSP safety performance benchmarking


CANSO is further enhancing members access to safety performance benchmark data.

CANSO, lead by the CANSO Safety Intelligence Workgroup and implemented by NAV CANADA, has developed an interactive Power Bi solution for the 2024 edition of the CANSO Annual Safety Performance Benchmark Report.

The CANSO Annual Performance Benchmark Dashboard enables the sharing of identified safety data between CANSO member ANSPs. This data allows them to compare their safety performance, facilitate dialogue, and share best practices to identify, analyse, and mitigate safety risks, with a view to improve global air traffic management safety performance more effectively.

The rights and obligations of participating ANSPs are governed by the CANSO Safety Data Agreement, also referred to as the CANSO Data Identification Agreement (DIA), as well as the CANSO Safety Data Governance.

Previously, and for the past 10 years, ANSPs shared data on IFR-IFR Losses of Separation (IFR-IFR LOS) and Runway Incursions (RI). The reports, produced on an annual basis, were shared in a static reporting format (i.e., PDF). While sufficient in in the past, the nuances that exist in the data call for a more interactive solution to CANSO members.

Data on IFR-IFR LOS and RIs complement other available safety performance metrics offered by Aireon through the CANSO Safety Dashboard – powered by Aireon, which users with access to myCANSO can see each month.

The Safety Intelligence Workgroup is looking at ways to optimise the usage of both data sources for global and regional benchmarking.

A demo of this tool will be given at the upcoming CANSO Global Safety Conference, in Christchurch, New Zealand, 24-28 March. Should you have questions about the tool and how to join this initiative, please contact the CANSO Safety Team.

Safety Management Systems safety