To70 releases free digital Safety Management System manual
To70 has launched a free digital Safety Management System (SMS) manual to provide a useful reference to any aviation service provider who is seeking to improve their safety culture, refine their safety practices or reach new levels of safety management maturity within their organisation. The goal is simple. Provide guidance material that is simple to understand and as a result makes safety accessible to everyone who works in our industry including accountable managers, corporate function staff, frontline operational and support staff, and of course safety professionals.

The SMS manual is presented in an engaging online format to demonstrate new methods to make SMS concepts and material easily accessible to everyone in the organisation. A primary examples of the new methods include different access points; a policy and objectives view, a process view, a role-based view and a template view, to help you get access to the information you need as quickly as possible. Presenting the material as an SMS Manual also helps make it as relatable as possible to a practical implementation with service provider organisations.

You will find useful examples of the following:
- Safety policy and Just Culture policy and supporting handbooks,
- Safety objectives to drive SMS implementation
- Safety accountability designation, accountability statements and safety leadership material.
- Process descriptions including process flow diagrams.
- Roles and responsibilities for staff with safety duties and a basis for a competence scheme.
- Terms of reference for Executive Safety Committees and Safety Action Groups.
- Generic templates and examples of safety deliverables.
The initiative has been led by To70 UK Managing Director, Huw Ross, who said: “We are really excited to share this material with CANSO members. Our goal is to provide easy to understand and practical material that can make a difference. The feedback already has been brilliant and we hope that it can continue to provide inspiration to help everyone in aviation progress SMS implementation.”
The SMS manual has been developed to align with the CANSO Standard of Excellence in SMS which is the benchmark for how CANSO members assess their SMS maturity. The manual also aligned to ICAO Annex 19 Edition 2. Please search for ‘SoE’ or ‘Annex 19’ when you are on the site to find helpful compliance material.
Sharing of safety information across our industry is a key enabler for safety performance improvement. Especially at a time of significant change and disruption to our normal operations. CANSO is pleased to help share the SMS material with the membership. CANSO Director General Simon Hocquard added: “CANSO welcomes To70’s contribution to aviation safety. This SMS material shows the value our Associate Members bring to our community. We encourage sharing solutions and I highly recommend you explore To70’s SMS guidance and look for opportunities to strengthen your own SMS. Safety will always remain a top priority for our industry.”
To70 joined CANSO in 2020 and seeks to use its operational expertise to support the industry to help it manage operational challenges. To70 Europe Managing Director, Ruud Ummels said: “To70 has a history of working with regulators, ANSPs and airports globally and it was an easy decision to join CANSO as a member. The entire industry is still coming to terms with the shockwave that the pandemic caused and all service providers are having to reinvent themselves. As consultants we are no different. With a track record of supporting industry with our expertise it was with great pleasure that we committed our resources to supporting the CANSO global safety community with our online SMS manual.”