Global Air Navigation Services Report – 2018-2022
With many regions of the world today well along the path to full traffic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, this report reflects on a time when we were in the midst of those challenges.
In 2022, countries steadily lifted travel constraints, while the global economy continued to confront significant hurdles. The resurgence of COVID-19 in specific regions triggered successive lockdowns. Additionally, the war in Ukraine disrupted global financial markets and increased debt levels.
This year, CANSO delivers the 14th edition of the Global Air Navigation Services Performance Report, which now includes 47 ANSPs from all across the globe. The report is a key output of the work of the GBWG and acts as a tool for ANSPs to compare, contrast and identify good practices and best efforts in ANS performance, particularly in the areas of cost efficiency and productivity, which were severely impacted by the decline in traffic.
In this edition, we look back on the performance in 2022, how participating ANSPs were being affected by global events, and how it reflects in our key performance metrics.