Think Paper – System-Based ATCO Licensing

The purpose of this document is to explore proposals for system-based solutions (and ATCO licencing) which could
enable ANSPs to deploy Air Traffic Control Officers (ATCOs) more flexibly.

In the past years, several technical evolutions and novel on-going operational challenges require an assessment whether
current1 process remains the most adequate, if it needs some refinement or if a more radical change would be required.
The biggest constraint in the current process is the time required to train an ATCO and the scalability of the positions
that an ATCO licence can cover.

So far, the option of ATCO mobility – when understood as moving people around – has proved to be a limited solution
for various reasons. Instead, technology now allows for “moving” airspace between ACCs while ATCOs remain in the
same location. This alternative (virtual) ATCO mobility concept, as well as some other options have been studied in a
few SESAR 2020 R&D projects.

In the European context, in the past eight years, several studies were undertaken and various position papers and
action plans were developed in relation to (ATCO) training and licensing.
