CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management

The CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management provides a roadmap to help air navigation service providers (ANSPs) to assess, develop and improve their human performance management.

As new ATM technologies and procedures are introducing greater reliance on automation and adaptation, flexibility is necessary to keep the system safe, efficient and effective. People provide this resilience and so a high level of performance from the humans in the system is critical. 

Traditionally the focus of human performance has been on areas such as incident investigation, recruitment, training or equipment design, with each of these addressed by different departments within an organisation. It is important however that all areas that contribute to human performance are managed in an integrated manner as each area is connected and interdependent, and these connections need to be managed.

Based on a human factors white paper jointly developed by CANSO Members and EUROCONTROL, the CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management contains a framework comprising 12 core elements, and details the requirements against which an ANSP can assess itself and define improvement activities. The new CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management utilises the same performance maturity levels as the CANSO Standard of Excellence in Safety Management Systems.

People Safety