CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management

The CANSO Standard of Excellence in Human Performance Management helps air navigation service providers (ANSPs) assess, develop and improve their human performance management. It is based on a human factors white paper developed by EUROCONTROL, FAA and CANSO Members, and is in line with the CANSO Standard of Excellence in Safety
Management Systems.

The HPM Standard of Excellence was originally published in 2019. Since then, many Air Navigation Service Providers have used the approach to implement management structures and solutions aimed at improving human performance management across their organisations. This has led to many inquiries to the Human Performance Management
Workgroup across a broad range of topics. Taking into account this feedback, the decision was made to update this document and include new definitions, guidance and methodology to assist CANSO members in making the most out of their maturity assessments.

Ultimately, all ANSPs, no matter their size or resources can make a start in understanding their human performance capabilities and how it is managed. This updated document aims to help everyone make a start.

The CANSO Human Performance Management Workgroup has also reviewed the initial question set that accompanies this SoE document. This question set is reviewed periodically and is currently at Version 2.0.

The document can be found here.

For more information, please contact the Safety Programme Manager.

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