ANSP Guidelines for Implementing ATS Surveillance Services Using Space-Based ADS-B

CANSO provides the ANSP Guidelines for Implementing ATS Surveillance Services Using Space-Based ADS-B to support Member ANSPs as they consider whether to incorporate the future system of space-based ADS-B into their air traffic management (ATM) infrastructure.

This document provides background information on ATS surveillance systems and related services; an overview of the technical capabilities and requirements associated with providing ATS surveillance services; and guidance for linking space-based ADS-B implementation to enabling or facilitating the implementation of some of the advances detailed in the International Civil Aviation Organizationā€™s (ICAO) Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) framework.

ANSPs often have a strong focus on flight safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness when they consider developing, integrating, and implementing emerging technologies and ATM systems. This focus assists in the advance of fuel-efficient flight profiles to reduce operating costs for the aircraft operators, and gains environmental benefits from reduced aircraft emissions. This Guide assists ANSPs in this task by introducing business case guidelines based on the work being undertaken by ANSPs currently analysing the future introduction of space-based ADS-B.

ADS-B Operations