Indra positions Cape Verde at the forefront of global air traffic management
Indra has modernised the oceanic air traffic control centre on Sal Island and the control towers in Santiago, Boa Vista, São Vicente and Sal with state-of-the-art technology, enabling the country’s National Airport and Air Safety Company (ASA) to manage a greater volume of traffic with safety and efficiency levels that surpass the international standards.

José Ulisses Correia e Silva, the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, opened the new facilities at a ceremony that took place on Friday July7 in the presence of Carlos Jorge Duarte Santos, the Minister of Tourism and Transport, Alcindo Hemitério da Cruz Mota, Secretary of State for Finance, Julio Lopes, President of the Chamber of Salt, Jorge Benhimol Duarte, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Aeroportos e Segurança Aérea, S.A., Ana Paredes Prieto, the Spanish Ambassador to Cape Verde, and Enrique Castillo, Indra’s ATM Sales Director.
The Indra executive declared that “this is undoubtedly a key milestone for global air navigation, given that the Sal Island oceanic control center is the final point of contact for aircraft crossing the Atlantic to America, and the renewal of its systems will have an immediate impact on the punctuality of operations at airports in America, Europe and Africa”.