ENAIRE managed 234,000 flights in August, 6.1 per cent more than in 2023, a record year


ENAIRE, Spain’s air navigation service provider, managed over 234,000 flights (234,343) in August, 6.1 per cent more than in the same month in 2023, a record year.

International flights in August (139,667) were up 8.2 per cent, domestic flights (42,481) 3.2 per cent, and overflights (52,195), which do not land at or depart from a Spanish airport, 3.0 per cent.

This growth in air traffic in Spain in August exceeded the European average, which was 4.5 per cent, by 1.6 percentage points.

All ENAIRE control centres registered an increase in the number of flights managed, with the Barcelona centre managing the most flights in August: the Canary Islands registered 34,297 flights ( 9.3 per cent); Barcelona, 122,794 ( 6.5 per cent); Madrid, 116,759 ( 5.6 per cent); Palma, 51,014 ( 5.6 per cent); and Seville, 50,396 ( 5.2 per cent).

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