DSNA pioneers in SWIM weather integration services
Real-time weather data accessibility and forecasting are crucial elements for Air Traffic Management. Considering this challenge, DSNA, the French Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), is adding an innovative service with more elaborate real-time weather prediction models to introduce pre-tactical and tactical phases into operations. Three French Area Control Centres (ACCs) in Bordeaux, Marseille and Reims have been used these enhanced weather services as of 10th July 2019.

European airspace is seeing more and more air traffic regulations caused by poor weather conditions with a considerable impact on punctuality. In France, 2018 saw a 30-year record for stormy conditions! This is why DSNA launched a tender call in 2018 on SWIMET, an innovative project based on the SESAR 1 solution and empowered by METEO FRANCE, the certified MET service provider over the French airspace. The objectives were clear: to provide controllers with customized meteorological information with the benefits of SWIM (System Wide Information Management) standards and service web technology to develop expert new services and facilitate volume weather impact prediction, specific flows or even 4D flight paths of ATC sectors.
Chosen by DSNA, the start-up MetSafe is the weather data service provider of this new platform.
“Thanks to the data provided by METEO FRANCE and METEORAGE, MetSafe web service platform and 4Me DSNA system, controller working positions, the Flow Management Position (FMP) and the supervisor are supplied with real-time weather information suited to their area and forecasting up to 1 hour ahead”, explains Kamel Rebaï, CEO of MetSafe.
In the context of a service oriented architecture, SWIMET offers a full and comprehensive weather information service displayed on the 4Me tool, a multi-application portal for SWIM services for operations. The service is based on statistical data (routes, control sectors, airports) and dynamical data (control sectors activated, flight profile, aircraft position). Jean-Charles, controller and supervisor at Bordeaux ACC, appreciates the relevance of the presented information provided, oriented tooperational needs:
“Thanks to SWIMET, we have better situational awareness. The accuracy of information provided in real-time enables us to help pilots on-board perception and decision-making to avoid any dangerous areas. It makes flights safer, more efficient and more comfortable for the passengers!”.
Implemented since 10th July 2019 in three French ACCs Bordeaux, Marseille and Reims, SWIMET will be progressively expanded to two other ACCs by the end of this year. With SWIMET, the quality of service in terms of safety and en-route CDM operations becomes even better.
With the display of weather hazards up to 3 hours ahead, the objective is now to deploy expert services for decision-support, for a more efficient flow management on a European scale with the Network Manager EUROCONTROL. SWIMET is compliant with the Implementing Rule Pilot Common Project “Initial SWIM”.
In mid-term, METGATE portal, designed and developed by METEO FRANCE and with the support of the SESAR Deployment Manager, will be the target solution to provide the MET information SWIM exchange. This portal will be opened to any European ANSPs.