ENAIRE holds a conference on general and sports aviation in Sabadell to disseminate aspects of airspace management
- ENAIRE shares interesting facts about the 300,000 km2 airspace that it manages from the ENAIRE Control Centre in Barcelona
- This event on general and sports aviation will be held in every ENAIRE region to share experiences and points of view from air traffic and pilots
- ENAIRE promotes collaboration with non-commercial aviation associations through its participation in working groups
ENAIRE has held an informative seminar on topics of interest to airspace users with the various organisations of the general and sports aviation sector (Real Aeroclub de España – RACE, Asociación de Pilotos y Propietarios de Aeronaves – AOPA, Asociación Española de Pilotos de Aeronaves Ligeras – AEPAL, and Real Federación Aeronáutica Española – RFAE).

The event, which took place at the Barcelona-Sabadell Aeroclub, is the first of the five that will be held in the different air navigation regions in coming months, and was held in collaboration with the Aeroclub, the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) and Aena. This event is part of the training and dissemination activities laid out in the Agreement signed in July 2023 between the different associations and ENAIRE to improve operational safety.