Austro Control and Rohde & Schwarz celebrate successful collaboration in modernising air traffic communication systems
Successful implementation of R&S Series4200 software defined radios from Rohde & Schwarz enables Austro Control to modernise the country’s radio stations and enhance air traffic management capabilities.

Rohde & Schwarz is pleased to announce the successful completion of Austro Control’s VHF Concept Implementation 2020 Project, a significant milestone in the modernisation of Austria’s radio stations and the enhancement of air traffic management (ATM) capabilities. This achievement not only highlights Rohde & Schwarz’ state-of-the-art technology but also underscores the proactive and exemplary collaboration between Rohde & Schwarz and Austro Control.
Through this project, Austro Control has integrated EUROCAE ED-137/C compliant VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) radios from Rohde & Schwarz into its radio stations. These advanced radios, along with upgrades to the infrastructure, data connections, monitoring, and control systems, have played a key role in the success of the SESAR Deployment Programme, specifically within Family 3.1.2 Management of Predefined Airspace Configurations in Austria.
The implementation of Rohde & Schwarz VoIP technology provides Austro Control with greater flexibility in allocating radio frequencies, facilitating dynamic airspace configurations that enhance flight efficiency and reduce environmental impacts. This flexibility is essential for managing air traffic from multiple units, enabling the merging and/or segregating of individual sectors to manage capacity constraints more effectively during both peak and off-peak times.