Partnering to strengthen air navigation in Latin America and the Caribbean


Javier Vanegas, CANSO Director Latin America and Caribbean Affairs, provides insight into a recent joint regional initiative with ICAO.

While CANSO takes a global approach to the transformation of air traffic management, it is CANSO’s regional focus that helps deliver improvements at a local level. In the Latin America and Caribbean region, this is helping to enhance coordination between air navigation service providers and deliver critical infrastructure and operational development.

In May, CANSO worked with ICAO to organise the Fifth Air Navigation Implementation Working Group meeting (ANI/WG/5) for more than sixty delegates from States/ANSPs in the North America, Central America and Caribbean region. The main objective was to review regional air navigation priorities and implementation targets, including air traffic management (ATM), aeronautical information management (AIM) and communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS), and to identify pathways to success.

To begin, participants reviewed implementation in different States and the associated challenges. They also considered the impact of global and regional air navigation developments, the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and other recent and emerging issues in global aviation and air navigation services (ANS).

This provided vital context for the second phase of the initiative; to explore how to implement new and emerging best practice, overcome barriers to development and improve service provision region-wide – including the tools and tactics available to do this.

Problems shared – solutions gained

CANSO maintains an extensive network of organisations that supply goods and services to the air traffic management industry and provide solutions for day-to-day challenges in air navigation service provision.

As part of this initiative, CANSO was able to draw on its Associate Member expertise to advise on solutions to meet the region’s needs and new technologies being developed. It also provided the opportunity to explore the value of CANSO members’ collaborative approach to delivering best practice.

Led by Aireon, Geci, Indra, Metron, Solace, Frequenties and Thales, CANSO members provided insight into the latest technological advances in air navigation, from development to implementation, and how they address key issues; including safety, capacity, efficiency and other key performance areas. Importantly, the CANSO Associate Members helped the ANSPs understand how new technology can overcome their particular challenges and support their unique operational requirements.

Partnering power

The joint initiative was a game-changer for the region as it created a problem-solving setting that allowed States, ANSPs and the industry to interact in an open environment, discussing common challenges and exploring technological solutions. It was a valuable opportunity for CANSO and ICAO to work together, and was the first step in linking technology solutions to regional issues.

CANSO is committed to taking a regional approach to tackling global issues and implementation, and invites other organisations to take part in its global and regional initiatives and embrace the power of partnership. Find out more by contacting the team.

CANSO ICAO Latin America and Caribbean