Thales obtains the first Design Verification Report for a complete drone system ever granted by EASA


Thales received the first full DVR ever granted by EASA to operate light UAS in medium risk, SAIL III. This DVR process set in place in April 2021 by the Agency aims at ensuring safe drone operations. Such a premiere strengthens the Group’s position on emerging civil drone market and represents further progress towards the certification of the Thales UAS100 in the most demanding conditions.

Flying drones represents a tremendous opportunity to convey new missions and operate with lower environmental and economic costs. However, uncontrolled flying objects could pose risks to air traffic as well as installations and people on the ground. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has defined a set of rules to guarantee the safety of drone operations, according to a risk based and proportional approach.

The Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) enables defining the applicable Specific Assurance Integrity Level (SAIL) and determines the need for a Design Verification Report (DVR) from the agency.

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