Implementing Air Traffic Flow Management and Collaborative Decision Making

The annual growth of air transport requires solutions to ensure operational efficiency and security in air traffic management (ATM). Air traffic flow management (ATFM) and collaborative decision-making (CDM) are processes that help to balance demand against capacity and increase operational coordination between aviation stakeholders, creating a safer, more efficient flow of traffic.

CANSO’s Implementing Air Traffic Flow Management and Collaborative Decision Making examines why ATFM and CDM are important, offering practical advice on meeting industry requirements and examples of successful implementation.

What is ATFM and CDM?

ATFM is a requirement for air navigation service providers (ANSPs) under ICAO Annex 11 to the Convention on Civil Aviation for States. It helps to monitor demand, capacity and constraints at airports and airspaces, and enables stakeholders to share accurate and up-to-date information and make appropriate decisions when demand exceeds capacity. Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is a process for ensuring all stakeholder needs are considered before decisions are made in the ATFM process. Together, these processes can optimise airport and airspace capacity and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of air navigation service provision.

What will you learn?

This is a must-read document for any ANSP taking the leap into ATFM/CDM implementation and wanting to ensure their current ATFM process are delivering efficiencies. Whether ATFM/CDM or airport collaborative decision-making (A-CDM), transparency and the free exchange of information between all stakeholders is essential to efficiently coordinating and managing operations. With the help of this document, ANSPs can have a clear view of how to implement ATFM/CDM.