The Boeing Company
Organisation Overview
The Boeing Company is working with government, industry and airline partners around the globe to improve the worldâs air traffic system. By applying expertise in the areas of modeling and simulation, airspace design, systems integration and navigation services, Boeingâs Air Traffic Management team is at the forefront of creating the infrastructure for a transformational air traffic management system. This transformational system relies on precision aircraft trajectories, system-wide information management architecture, network-enabled operations, and global interoperability.
ATM Products & Services
Transformational ATM R&D Concepts
Boeingâs detailed knowledge of current and future airplane technologies, enables the research and development of transformational ATM concepts for global ATM efficiency and interoperability.
Navigation Services
The development of navigation technologies and concepts has led to, the production of Performance Based Navigation implementation road maps, RNP procedure design, and AC 90-101 Application Consultant to assist with RNP AR operational approval.
Airspace Design
As navigational capabilities become more sophisticated, demand for airspace development expertise and professional terminal/enroute procedure design becomes increasingly important. Jeppesen offers a customised airspace design and evaluation services to meet these challenges.
Traffic Flow Management
Boeingâs National Flow Model is a large-scale simulation of all scheduled traffic in the U.S. National Airspace. The Model addresses both airport and airspace capacities, flight schedules and routes, and capacity limitations due to (convective) weather.
Modeling & Simulation
Boeing modeling & simulating capabilities falling 5 categories; Requirements & Cost/ Benefits Advocacy, Fast-Time Modeling of Concept Alternatives, Rapid Prototyping (Aircraft & ATM), Proof-of-Concept Demonstration (Aircraft Simulators) and Proof-of Concept Demonstration (Aircraft & Connectivity).
Airplane Equipage
Boeing has developed an Air Transportation System Roadmap forecasts ATM trends to support airplane equipage planning. Utilising the roadmap, Boeing equipages new airplanes with ATM capabilities and offers customers insights into when retrofit in-service aircraft to meet global mandates.
Air-Ground Systems Integration
A crucial element for the transformational ATM system, it is critical to drive the world towards a single datalink technology.
System-Wide Information Management
SWIM and it European equivalent SWIM SUIT will provide the standards and serviceoriented architecture for the ATM future infrastructure.
Flight Optimisation
Boeing is offering subscription-based services to help airlines save fuel and increase environmental efficiency. In Flight Optimisation Services are designed to be implemented within current air traffic and airline operating procedures using existing communication channels.
Boeing and subsidiaries offer a variety of training programs.