LFV Sweden


Organisation Overview

LFV is located at 34 airports around the country, including national, municipal, private and military. The company also owns and runs two control centres in Stockholm and Malmö.

The Air Navigation Services (ANS) Division of LFV is responsible for the provision and development of Air Navigation Services in Sweden. We provide ATS, CNS and AIS and task SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) to provide MET. All services, except MET, are provided for both civil and military traffic, as there is no military ANSP in Sweden.

Our Mission Statement, “We support safe, flexible and cost effective Air Navigation Services with the Customer in focus” supports our Vision that is “To be a respected and strong north-European ANSP and thus an attractive partner for other ANSPs”. 

The maintenance of high aviation safety must occur in harmony with environmental considerations and efficiency. For that reason, LFV has identified four areas of focus, within which we are working hard to be able to provide world-class air navigation services.

Since 1 July 2012, Swedish LFV and Danish Naviair provide air navigation services in Swedish-Danish airspace through the jointly owned company NUAC. This constitutes a cooperation which falls in line with the EU’s goal of fewer national airspace blocks.

Together with Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, LFV is also a partner in the COOPANS agreement with Thales ATM. The objective of COOPANS is to facilitate the joint procurement of upgrades to our existing common ATM systems to meet the coming SESAR demands.

LFV is, together with Avinor and Naviair, the owner of “Entry Point North” (EPN), the Nordic ATS Academy.

LFV’s subsidiary, LFV Aviation Consulting sells consultancy services within civil aviation all over the world. 

Number of Towers Operated34
Number of Area Control Centres2
Number of Employees1,300
Number of ATCOs750

Member Information

Membership Type: European Regional Office Membership


