Instituto Nacional de Aeronautica Civil (INAC)
Organisation history and overview
On September 28, 2001, the “National Civil Aviation Institute” (INAC) was created by Decree No. 1,446, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 38,226, which functioned with that name until December 12, 2005 when it changed its name to “Instituto Nacional de Aeronáutica Civil”, keeping its initials “INAC”, in accordance with the Law creating the National Institute of Civil Aeronautics, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N ° 38,333, preserving its character as an Autonomous Institute of State security, endowed with legal personality and its own patrimony and independent of the National Treasury, with technical, financial, organizational and administrative autonomy, attached to the Ministry whose competence corresponds to the regulation, formulation and monitoring of policies, planning and implementation of the activities of the National Executive in the field of air transport.
The National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in addition to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), bases its management on the Law of Partial Reform of the Civil Aeronautics Law, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39,140 dated March 17, 2009, an instrument that regulates the competence of the nation’s Aeronautical Authority and that allows the constant and sustained development of the aeronautical sector. This Law establishes the general bases for the regulation of civil aviation, complying with and developing the premises established by the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The order of hierarchy of the norms that regulate civil aviation is established, through the implementation of aeronautical legislation, reiterating the importance of the international commitments acquired.
Among many other things, the Civil Aeronautics Law ratifies the exercise of sovereignty in the airspace of Venezuela, to safeguard the interests of the country in that important geographic space. The public service nature of air transport is defined, to develop the competence of the National Power in matters of security, to guarantee that whoever provides the service will do so within the established parameters. Those of control and support to air navigation are also established as a public service; Likewise, the fundamental rights of the people are stipulated, developing the constitutional principle of citizen participation that must exist in the aeronautical normative processes, precisely to guarantee that the norms elaborated by the Aeronautical Authority are nurtured and enriched with the opinions of the sectors involved which will regulate.
The National Institute of Civil Aeronautics, consequently, regulates the aeronautical activity of the Venezuelan State and society, in matters of security and integral defense, in accordance with the guidelines, principles and constitutional purposes.
As a State Security Entity in aeronautical matters, it is consequently based on integral development, whose condition, status or situation guarantees the enjoyment and exercise of rights and guarantees in the economic, social, and political spheres, cultural, geographical, environmental and military, of the constitutional principles and values by the population, the institutions and each of the people that make up the State and society, with generational projection, within a democratic, participatory and protagonist system, free from threats to its survival, sovereignty and the integrity of its territory and other geographic spaces.
Management philosophy
“Ensure Safety compliance, through a timely inspection and efficient granting of certifications, in accordance with established regulations, to provide transport users full confidence and security in it and promote innovative programs of the National Aeronautical System, based on national development and regional integration ”.
“To be an effective organization with regards to aeronautical safety and service, creating a culture of quality and sustainable development that allows us to achieve the highest standards based on the needs of the national and international civil aviation sector.”
- Participation Regarding the creation of sufficient and necessary institutional structures, mechanisms and procedures to foster and promote social participation in public management from planning to evaluation of its results, in accordance with the quantitative and qualitative indicators to be designed and proposed for such an end.
- Speed in terms of attention, timely response and compliance with the administrative periods established by law. Optimization of the institution’s response times to social and citizen demands, in accordance with the quantitative indicators to be designed and proposed for this purpose.
- Effectiveness regarding the fulfillment of the objectives, goals, activities and tasks according to quantitative indicators designed for this purpose, to be proposed in the respective plans, programs and projects.
- Efficiency in terms of the rational use of available resources according to quantitative indicators designed and proposed for this purpose.
- Transparency in the supply, reception and management of timely, truthful and accessible information equally to all social sectors, on its management, administrative actions and management of the resources assigned by means of communication, computer, printed, physical, etc. wide coverage, in accordance with the quantitative and qualitative indicators designed and proposed for this purpose.
- Accountability and Responsibility in the exercise regarding the timely presentation of the management results and the fulfillment of its functions, before the powers and competent public bodies in the matter and the social group, in accordance with the quantitative and qualitative indicators designed and proposed for this purpose.
Institutional values
Commitment: Approaching work life experiences as a creative task will be a duty to achieve our well-being and that of the institute.
Shared Vision: Demonstrating trust between us will allow us to create a common identity to solve problems and share solutions.
Safety: We wholeheartedly assume the guarantee of compliance with national and international standards on aeronautical safety.
Honesty: Our behavior will be a reflection of honesty and transparency in thought, words, action and conduct.
Proactivity: We will take initiatives that, in our daily work, make the events happen with positive results and the objectives are achieved.
Loyalty: We will be faithful to the vision, mission, values and objectives of our institution at all times and in each action on behalf of its members and the country.
Synergy: Our spirit of work will contribute so that the sum of all the effort of the institute is greater than the effort of individualities, for which our interests will be added to the interests of the institute.
Member Information

Membership Type: Full Member
President INAC: Mr. Leonardo Alberto Briceño Dudamel
Country: Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Telephone number: (0212) 277 - 265.77.89 - 277.45.31
Fax number: n/a
Head office:
Av. Jose Felix Sosa con Av. Luis Roche, Urb. Altamira Sur.
1060, Caracas, Otto. Capital
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela