Lower noise levels and better landing capacity during high winds at Schiphol due to innovation
With recently introduced innovations Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) improves capacity for aircraft landing at Schiphol Airport during high wind conditions. When local conditions at the airport involve higher wind speeds, 3 to 6 more aircraft per hour can land per runway. This is possible by applying new European guidelines for aircraft classification based on ‘wake turbulence categories’ (RECAT) and separation between successive aircraft based on time rather than distance (TBS).

‘LVNL is the third air traffic control organisation in the world to apply these innovations in practice,’ says Michiel van Dorst, LVNL CEO. ‘By implementing RECAT-TBS, we contribute to improving the residential quality and living environment for people living in the local community by using the most noise sensitive runways less. We also achieve safer and better throughput in landing air traffic flows which results in airlines suffering less from delayed flights during high winds at Schiphol.’