Everything you always wanted to know about radar…
In November of 2021 we held the webinar Everything you always wanted to know about radars but were afraid to ask, hosted by CANSO, where we went through the advantages offered by the technology of the 3D primary surveillance radar. This radar uses technology that used to be mostly military until very recently, when we have seen all the applications it has for the civil air traffic management with a view to enhance safety and efficiency.
Amongst the wide variety of radars in the market, we wanted to focus on the 3D PSR functionalities to offer you the opportunity to better understand how it works and how it can improve the management of your airspace.
We explained how it provides solutions for TMA, approach and en-route; what to expect of a non-cooperative radar; how it splits the airspace into smaller sectors and scans each of these sectors individually, which gives a cleaner signal by cancelling the clutter (wind farms, weather, landscape); how to customize it to adapt to your particular location and needs. We talked about drone detection capabilities —which is an issue of growing concern—, and weather detection through the in-built weather channel, including weather altitude estimation thanks to its 3D capabilities.
We talked about the benefits of a smaller antenna compared with traditional L-Band systems that makes it much easier to install; the possibility of having a co-mounted system along with a secondary radar; the possibility of deploying a transportable system for contingency, emergencies, traffic peaks.
Finally, we explained how this radar can be remotely tested, which saves a significant amount of repair time, and how maintenance can be carried out following a schedule of preventive maintenance activities, which will reduce downtime significantly.
You can watch a replay of the webinar below.
For more information visit https://www.indraairsolutions.com/en/portfolio/indra-air-surveillance.