Regional Focus: The role of the Network Manager – How to create a collaborative network-centric Single European Sky
The whole aviation community recognises that the Network Manager (NM) has to play an important role in facilitating the smooth flow of the pan-European aviation network.
With SES2 the European Commission also proposes to enhance the NM’s role, giving it a greater say in management of airspace structures and air traffic flow and capacity, as well as over infrastructure.
To answer some of the questions regarding the Network Managers’ role, CANSO has invited Members of the European Parliament and other interested stakeholders to a panel debate, at which aviation stakeholders will discuss these key questions for the benefit of Brussels’ audiences.
Delegates will hear from a range of top air traffic management experts:
- Ann Persson Grivas, CEO, LFV (Sweden)
- Martin Rolfe, CEO, NATS (UK)
- Christine Berg, Head of Single European Sky Unit, DG MOVE
- Iacopo Prissinotti, Director of the Network Management, ECTL
- Achim Baumann, Policy Director, A4E
- Luc Laveyne, Senior Adviser, ACI
They will discuss, for example, a range of topics including:
- What is the best way to optimise a pan-European network?
- What is the appropriate balance for the roles and responsibilities of the NM with those of operational stakeholders?
- What are the right approaches to the NM’s governance and decision-making process?
If you would like to know more please contact us here.