CANSO Chair and former colleague awarded national safety honours


Captain Gilbert Kibe, CANSO’s Chair and Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Kenya, and Boni Dibate, until recently CANSO’s Director Regional Affairs, Africa, have been awarded the Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar’s (ASECNA) medal of honour for their contributions to the growth of aviation in Africa and beyond at the 5th meeting of Air Navigation Service Providers in Africa.

Captain Kibe and Boni were presented with their medals by Affoh Atcha Dédji, Minister for Road, Rail and Air Transport, Togo.

CANSO’s Director, General Simon Hocquard, paid tribute to the pair and said: “What an honour for Captain Kibe and our much-admired former colleague Boni to receive this award. It’s a real testament to their hard work and dedication to aviation, and especially aviation safety. I am thrilled for them both and send, on behalf of CANSO, its Members, and its staff our best congratulations.”

Gilbert Kibe (fourth from right) and Boni Debate (fifth from right) were awarded for their contributions to the growth of aviation in Africa. Picture courtesy of @CAA_Kenya on Twitter.

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