CANSO at the ICAO 41st Assembly
On 27 September the 41st ICAO Triennial Assembly will start in Montreal under the theme ‘Reconnecting the World’.

CANSO will be represented during the Assembly by its Director General, Simon Hocquard together with Michelle Bishop, Nico Voorbach, Bill Middleswart, Scott Leis and Eduardo Garcia.
The Assembly seems likely to be dominated by discussions on the environment, and Council will seek agreement on a long-term aspirational goal (LTAG) to set net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 as the worldwide climate goal for aviation. It will also review the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). The impact of war in the Ukraine is also likely to be a major discussion point.
The Assembly is expected to approve GANP 7tth edition and discuss proposals to undertake a broader update of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and the global aviation safety plan (GASP) in the upcoming triennial cycle. CANSO has submitted a working paper asking ICAO to prioritise certain activities contained in the industry roadmap for future skies that was developed by the Complete Air Traffic Services (CATS) Global Council. This innovation forum was launched by CANSO in 2021 to drive the next era of aviation and forge a more adaptable, sustainable and resilient industry.
The members of the CANSO ICAO Affairs Work Group (IAWG) have assisted in evaluating the almost 600 papers that have been submitted to the Assembly and contributed to the preparation of interventions that CANSO can bring during the deliberations. CANSO will be the voice of ATM during the Assembly and we will make sure the interest of our members will be well represented.
During the Assembly there will be elections for the 36 seats of the ICAO Council, the governing body of ICAO. This is important for CANSO as we will have regular interactions with the Council members regarding the adoption of Standards and Recommended (SARPS) practices that will support the latest developments and innovations in the aviation field..
The CANSO delegation will follow closely all of the discussions during the the next two weeks and give you a full update on the outcomes important for our sector.
The Assembly can be followed live via the ICAO Harmony platform. The sessions will start on Tuesday 27 September and run until 07 October. Meeting hours are from 09.00 until 12.00 (EDT) and from 14.00 until 17.00 (EDT).
All working papers that will be discussed during the Assembly can be found HERE