CANSO Africa Conference 2023 – delegates’ flight details
Thank you for registering for the CANSO Africa Conference 2023. We look forward to welcoming you to Livingstone, Zambia, soon.
Merci de vous ĂȘtre inscrit Ă la CANSO Africa Conference 2023. Nous avons hĂąte de vous accueillir Ă Livingstone, en Zambie, bientĂŽt.

Our hosts, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, have kindly arranged complimentary airport transfers from Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport (formerly Livingstone International Airport) airport to the conference hotel and the three other recommended hotels listed on the event webpage, on the two peak arrival days of 4 and 5 September. To make use of this service please complete your full flight arrival and departure details using the form below.
Nos hĂŽtes, Zambia Airports Corporation Limited, ont gentiment organisĂ© des transferts gratuits depuis lâaĂ©roport international Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula (anciennement aĂ©roport international Livingstone) de lâaĂ©roport Ă lâhĂŽtel de confĂ©rence et aux trois autres hĂŽtels recommandĂ©s indiquĂ©s sur la page Web de lâĂ©vĂ©nement, les deux jours dâarrivĂ©e de pointe des 4 et 5 septembre. Pour utiliser ce service, veuillez complĂ©ter les dĂ©tails complets de votre vol dâarrivĂ©e et de dĂ©part en utilisant le formulaire ci-dessous.