Educated Guess: Interpreting traffic forecasting during the pandemic

CANSO’s Educated Guess: Interpreting traffic forecasting during the pandemic is a high-level view of the current state of traffic forecasting and planning both now and in the future.

Understanding demand is critical to the cost-efficient delivery of capacity. ANSPs need accurate information on air traffic demand to plan staffing, capacity enhancements and revenues.

The white paper outlines the latest traffic predictions and the assumptions on which they are based, and explores the challenges to forecasting during this unprecedented period.

What’s on offer

  • An exploration of the range of products normally available to support short, medium and long-term planning
  • Analysis of the products currently available and how they can be used by ANSPs
  • Examination of when ANSPs may be able to rely on a range of forecasting products once again, and how forecasting techniques might need to evolve

Read the blog: Paul Ravenhill, Technical and ATM Director, Think Research, discusses the difficulties of providing accurate forecasts both during and after the pandemic here.

COVID-19 Strategy and Integration