Consortium showcases national CIS capability in Netherlands demonstration


A consortium of Dutch and Anglo companies is to demonstrate how a Common Information Service (CIS) can support and enable commercial drone across the Netherlands.

In front of a specially invited delegation of industry stakeholders, Altitude Angel, Senhive and Airhub will together demonstrate the capabilities of a CIS and how it can be the gateway to delivering a secure, performant, and reliable interface between the ANSP and all U-space stakeholders, such as USSPs, authorities, national registration, public safety, and defence.

In the comprehensive CIS demonstration will involve Altitude Angelā€™s GuardianUTM platform fusing LVNLā€™s ATM Radar Data (ASTERIX Categories 21, 48 and 62) with surveillance sources including drone detection systems from Senhive, UAS RemoteID, ADS-B, and Altitude Angelā€™s ARROW technology, to create a consolidated and comprehensive lower-airspace traffic picture.

For the showcase, Altitude Angel has created a common, open, and interoperable interface for USSPs to receive static and dynamic geo-awareness data from LVNL and share flights with other U-space stakeholders.  It will also act as an ā€˜authorisation brokerā€™ which routes UAS plans to LVNLā€™s GoDrone system for approval to operate in controlled airspace and updates the USSP in real-time with the authorisation.

On the CIS demonstration, Richard Parker, Altitude Angel, CEO and founder said: ā€œThis demonstration is a milestone in the development of the Netherlands drone ecosystem. The CIS is the critical foundation stone on which multiple drone operations, all flying BVLOS, can be built.ā€

ā€˜ā€™This is an important step in the integration of safe and efficient traffic flows of unmanned and manned air traffic in one Dutch airspace,ā€ added Wouter Pekela, LVNL, Program Manager Unmanned Aviation.