Regional Focus: SWIM Implementation in Africa


CANSO Africa Operations Working Group identified three key priorities for its work plan in 2021: Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM), System Wide Information Management (SWIM) and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

The Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (GATMOC – Doc 9854) identifies information management as a key enabler of the future ATM System. To support this vision, ICAO replaced the Global Performance Indicators defined in the 4th Edition of ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) – Doc 9750 with the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology.  Harmonisation and interoperability constraints have made these modules essential, as the foundations of the future ATM system.

As aviation technology has evolved over the years, the role and importance of aeronautical information has increased significantly. Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) forms the nucleus of data exchange within the Air Traffic Management (ATM) community, whether static (Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) information – aerodromes, waypoints, airspaces, NAVAIDS, routes, etc.) or dynamic (Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), flight planning, meteorology, etc.).

With the introduction of the Sixteenth Edition of Annex 15 — Aeronautical Information Services and the new Procedure for Air Navigation Services — Aeronautical Information Management (Doc 10066, PANS-AIM), the scope of traditional AIM has changed significantly.  These have introduced new aspects for AIM products and services through the definition of various data sets (AIP, terrain, obstacle, aerodrome mapping and Instrument Flight Procedure data sets) as well as the introduction of aeronautical data catalogue requirements. These aeronautical datasets will be exchanged through globally standardized exchange modules such as the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM).

SWIM is an enabler of Information Services provided through standardized exchange modules such as Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM), Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) and ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Module (iWXXM). It is a key enabler for sharing integrated, accurate and real-time ATM situation on a system-wide basis with the entire ATM Community in support of all phases of flight.

System-wide interoperability and secured seamless information access and exchange is required to support the future ATM system. It was against this background that the CANSO Africa Ops Working Group identified SWIM as one of its priorities in the year.

Objectives of the webinar

The aim of the webinar was to promote greater understanding of SWIM and its implementation. Specifically, the webinar:

  1. Provided a more in-depth explanation of the SWIM concept and its core principles
  2. Outlined the benefits of implementing SWIM
  3. Highlighted the requirements for a successful SWIM implementation
  4. Elaborated on current ICAO Panel activities in developing SARPs to support SWIM implementation.

On day one we focussed on the benefits and challenges of implementing SWIM within the Africa region. Day two explored how SWIM is being implemented across the globe and the work underway within CANSO workgroups to help facilitate its implementation.

Part 1 – Download the slides and watch the presentation

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Part 2 – Download the slides and watch the presentation

The slides from this event are available to CANSO Members. 

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Event Details

29 September – 14 October 2021



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