Air Navigation Service Provider Carbon Footprinting: A Best Practice Guide

Air Navigation Service Provider Carbon Footprinting: A Best Practice Guide offers ANSPs practical advice on measuring carbon emissions, a crucial first step in identifying and delivering environmental improvements. 

Measuring and reporting environmental performance is a key social responsibility for businesses as concerns about sustainability issues increase. This guide motivates ANSPs to incorporate environmental considerations into their everyday operations and building management. It focuses on how ANSPs can take steps to assess and manage their own greenhouse gas emissions to reduce costs, manage risks, gain commercial advantage, demonstrate social responsibility, and meet local regulatory and legislative requirements.

CANSO and its Members play an active partnership role in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Air Transport Action Group to reduce aviation emissions through ICAO’s four pillar strategy of improved technology, efficient operations, infrastructure improvements and global market-based measures. Ensuring attention to carbon footprints on the ground is a further significant step in environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Further information

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Environment Operations