Global Conversations: CEO Series with Graeme Sumner

CANSO invites members to join the Global Conversations: CEO Series, designed to connect ANSPs and industry suppliers in open conversation about the future of our industry.

We’re inviting a number of our CEOs to offer insight into the current challenges and changes they face, and the potential solutions, strategies and requirements from an organisational, regional and industry perspective.

ANSPs will get insight into what other members are doing in terms of best practice, business continuity and recovery, and industry suppliers a clearer understanding of what members need and how they can help.

Participants will have the opportunity to submit their questions in advance of the event, and also live during the webinar.
Each webinar will be hosted by Conor Mullan, Associate Member Representative for the Executive Committee and Managing Director, Think Research Ltd.


Each webinar will be hosted by Conor Mullan, Associate Member Representative for the Executive Committee and Managing Director, Think Research Ltd.

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Graeme Sumner, CEO of Airways New Zealand

Graeme joined Airways in October 2017 bringing 27 years’ experience from the energy, transport, telecommunications, mining services and medical technology industries. He is recognised for his commercial experience and extensive expertise in leadership, technology, and change management.

Prior to taking up the Airways CEO position, Graeme led ASX listed organisations in services and manufacturing environments focussed on technology innovation and development. His roles included the chairman of NCI Packaging – a major trans-Tasman provider of packaging solutions; Managing Director of Service Stream – based in Melbourne; and was the CEO of Transfield Services New Zealand, and Siemens New Zealand.

Event Details

23 June 2020



Terms and Conditions


Sponsors and Exhibitors

Interested in sponsorship or exhibition space at this event?
Please contact:

Mike Treacher
VP Sales

COVID-19 Strategy and Integration Africa Asia-Pacific Safety Europe Operations Latin America and Caribbean Middle East North America