Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines


Organisation Profile:

Mission          : To ensure a safe, secure and green Philippine Sky

Vision            : To be a pre-eminent Civil Aviation Authority in the world and a

                       global brand of excellence in civil aviation. 

Values           : Fairness, Integrity, Accountability and Transparency

Principles      : “Sovereignty indivisible with National Security.”

                       “Reciprocity indivisible with  Parity”

Dream           : The Future is in the Skies

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines was created under the Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008. On March 4, 2008, Republic Act No. 9497 renamed the “ Air Transportation Office” which is a line agency of the Department of Transportation and Communications to  “Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines” headed by the Director General of Civil Aviation.

CAAP is responsible for the regulation of civil aviation in the Philippines. The CAAP offices that performs the regulation functions are Flight Standard and Inspectorate Service (FSIS) and Aerodrome and Air Navigation Services Oversight Office (AANSOO).

CAAP provides air navigation service in Manila Flight Information Region. The Air Traffic Management services is provided by the Air Traffic Service (ATS) and the Operation and Maintenance of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems and Equipment’s is done by Air Navigation Service (ANS).

CAAP also operate and maintain 80 out of 86 airports nationwide and performs oversight functions to the six airports manages by separate authorities. The office who performs the supervisions of the 80 airports is the Aerodrome Development Management Service (ADMS).

Member Information

Membership Type: Asia-Pacific Regional Office Membership

Director General: Capt. Manuel Antonio L. Tamayo

Country: The Philippines

Telephone number: +632 879 9105

Fax number: +632 879 9101


Head office:

Old MIA Road
1300 Pasay City
The Philippines

