
Organisation Profile Moroccan Airports Authority (ONDA) is the developer and the manager of the airport infrastructure. It’s also the air navigation services’ provider in Morocco. Such as, missions are:  

  • To provide and manage air traffic services;
  • To plan maintenance operations and development of air traffic airports;
  • To manage the air navigation facilities and the implementation of means for air traffic control;
  • To process passengers, air cargo as well as all services dedicated to users satisfaction;
  • To develop linking with international organisations and airports, to satisfy the needs of air traffic;
  • To operate of certain projects and services that may grant to other partner’s needs;
  • To provide high level education in civil aviation and airport operations management fields.

The ONDA is vested with strategic duties, in so far as it regulates not only the development of air transport in Morocco, but also the related economic sectors. These duties cover the management of international air traffic, aviation security and service quality which the ONDA is in charge of. This involves the credibility of the Moroccan Authorities towards the international aviation community. The strategic axes are:

  • Stakeholder’s Trust Return;
  • Investment Plan Strategic Reframing;
  • The Customer Culture Support;
  • Governance, Organisation & HR;
  • International Cooperation.

Member Information

Membership Type: Africa Regional Office Membership

Chief Executive Officer: Mrs. Habiba Laklalech

Country: Morocco

Telephone number: +212 5 2253 9005

Fax number: +212 5 2253 9901

E-mail: z.elaoufir@onda.ma

Head office:

AĂ©roport Mohammed V B.P. 52,
20000, Casablanca


