Use of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) for Noise Management

CANSO works with ACI to ensure responsible operations and has partnered to produce Use of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) for Noise Management. This publication provides guidance and shares best practices on PBN implementation and highlights opportunities to mitigate the effects of aircraft noise.

While PBN offers benefits to safety, airspace capacity and operational efficiency, the focus of this document is managing the potential impacts of noise on local communities, while understanding how PBN can be used as a noise mitigation technique in appropriate circumstances.  The focus of this publication is on using PBN as a change enabler, but the strategies outlined are equally applicable to non-PBN influenced flight path changes.

Read more to discover:

  • Benefits and challenges of PBN
  • Noise management options using PBN
  • Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
  • Importance of public engagement
  • Case studies of PBN implementation supporting noise management
ACI CANSO Environment PBN Operations