ENAIRE celebrates its tenth anniversary with the highest flight numbers in its history


ENAIRE, the national air navigation service provider, is celebrating its 10th anniversary since, following its publication in the Official State Gazette, in July 2014, what had been AENA E.P.E., formalised its new identity to create the company Aena, S.A. and the new ENAIRE E.P.E., focused on air traffic management and the provision of air navigation services.

This anniversary comes just as the air traffic management figures for 2024 show an improvement over the previous record year of 2023, and smash the traffic benchmarks for 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, ENAIRE professionals managed nearly 2.2 million flights (between international, domestic and overflights), 10.6 per cent more than in 2022 and two per cent more than in 2019, the previous record year.

ATM Europe