Higher Airspace Operations – Space Traffic Management


DG DEFIS is launching a legislative initiative to develop a framework on safety, resilience and sustainability of space traffic management (STM) under the Union Space Programme. This initiative is following the joint Communication by the Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the EU approach to Space Traffic Management that was adopted in February 2022 and that was supported by the European Parliament and by the EU Member States. In the said Communication, STM encompasses the means and the rules to access, conduct activities in, and return from outer space safely, sustainably, and securely.

DG DEFIS recently launched a targeted stakeholder consultation on the EU legislative initiative on safety, resilience and sustainability of space activities (“EU space law”): The ATM community was invited to contribute to that survey to express the views of the ATM community, in particular related to the impact on air traffic during the phases of transit (launch and re-entries). EUROCAE offers full support to a European approach to space traffic management, in line with our members needs.

This panel shall discuss latest developments expected for higher airspace operations and space traffic management.