FAQs on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and CANSO events

Are events organised by CANSO going to be cancelled due to concerns over COVID-19?

No, CANSO’s forthcoming events will take place as scheduled. CANSO is closely monitoring the Coronavirus and is fully committed to taking appropriate precautions with partners to provide a safe and healthy environment for you, in which we follow guidance from the World Health Organisation and government.  To date the authorities state that the locations of our forthcoming events are safe to travel to and to hold meetings.

What is CANSO doing with regards to COVID-19?

CANSO management, partners, and suppliers are monitoring the ongoing developments and continue to follow guidance from health organisations, local authorities and experts for their recommendations. We are fully committed to taking appropriate precautions to provide a safe and healthy environment for attendees.

CANSO will:

  • Follow recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and, as well as the policies of local authorities where the event is held.
  • Provide healthcare guidelines for delegates, exhibitors, and onsite staff.
  • Respond to questions about the precautions taken.
  • Monitor for signs of illness with the right to deny or revoke access to the event.

What precautions is CANSO taking to safeguard the health of attendees?

The additional health and safety measures at our events to help prevent illness include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Increased cleaning and disinfection processes across all high volume touchpoints, e.g. catering areas, surfaces, handrails, restrooms, entrances/exits, etc., along with the use of cleaning/ sanitising materials and products.
  • Availability of sanitising and disinfection materials for public use.
  • Request of those who are feeling unwell or showing signs of illness to refrain from attending the events. In addition, if you feel unwell during the event, please report to the event organisers for advice and medical assistance.

What can I do to protect myself and others?

We strongly urge attendees to monitor and implement appropriate guidelines and protocols as suggested by the World Health Organisation and other health authorities to contain and mitigate against any further spread of the virus.

Up-to-date World Health Organisation advice can be found here:


Here are some easy ways to contribute to a safe and healthy environment for yourself and others, as recommended by the World Health Organisation:

  • Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.
  • Practice respiratory hygiene: When coughing and sneezing, cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • Maintain social distancing: Maintain if possible at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing and have a fever. Feel free to not shake hands or participate in other types of greetings by politely citing your concerns about preventing infection.

For more information, visit the World Health Organisation’s advice page:


What are local authorities saying about COVID-19?

The Spanish government has issued statements ensuring the public that Spain is a safe place to travel to and hold meetings.

To date, there have been no cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in Papua New Guinea (CANSO Asia Pacific Conference) or Azerbaijan (CANSO Global ATM Summit and 24th AGM).

How will CANSO communicate any updates?

CANSO will update attendees via e-newsletters, dedicated emails, and on the website: www.canso.org/events.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact the CANSO Events Team at events@canso.org or 31 (0)23 568 5380