Regional Focus: Advancing ATM R&D in the Asia Pacific – Spotlight on ATMRI

Innovation in the ATM industry has become even more crucial in the wake of COVID-19. From improving safety and efficiency through automation, to building resilience, sustainability and scalability, a strong focus on innovation and technology will be required to drive change in a post-pandemic world. To help ANSPs identify and harness new and emerging technologies, research and development centres are playing an increasingly important role in the transformation of ATM.
To discuss this we held the first of a series of webinars: ‘Regional Focus: Advancing ATM Research & Development in the Asia Pacific’ webinar . There we addressed some of the latest ATM R&D activities currently underway in the Air Traffic Management Research Institute (ATMRI).
The ATMRI was established by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2013 and is Singapore’s first institute dedicated to R&D in ATM aimed at seeking innovative solutions and catalysing ATM transformation in the region.
- Introduction to ATMRI
- A Hybrid AI-Human ATM System
- Current and Future R&D for Urban Airspace UTM
- Neuro-Visual Situation Awareness Monitoring System for Controller Operational Performance Behaviour
- Prof. Vu Duong, Director ATMRI and Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Nanyang Technological University
- Associate Prof. Sameer Alam, Deputy Director ATMRI and Associate Professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
- Dr. John Wang, Assistant Programme Director of UAM/UTM Programme at ATMRI
- Prof. Sun-Woh Lye, Deputy Director ATMRI and Professor at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Download Materials and Watch Recording
Here are the webinar’s presentation slides.
And here’s a recording of the whole webinar.