Antonio Licu
Tony is cumulating Head of Digital Transformation Office and Head of Operational Safety, SQS and Integrated Risk management Safety (NMD/SAF) Unit within Network Manager Directorate of EUROCONTROL (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation). He leads the deployment of safety management and human factors programmes of EUROCONTROL. He has extensive Air Traffic Control operational and engineering background (master degree in avionics).
Tony’s role as head of DTO (the organisational vehicle driving the Digital Transformation of Eurocontrol Network Manager) is to manage technology, innovation and Digital Transformation for iNM (integrated Network Manager Programme) in close cooperation with EUROCONTROL organisational entities and the industrial partners.
Safety Culture and Just Culture are two key areas, where Tony’s aim is to clarify and promote the concepts. In this respect, he leads the initiative to bring together the aviation and judiciary domains. He has particular technical personal developments e.g. safety tools and methods to investigate aviation incidents and accidents, how to mitigate and work under degraded modes of operations and development of contingency plans etc.
In the past years together with his team, Tony is pushing a paradigm change in Safety management thinking. Safety management should move from ensuring that ‘as few things as possible go wrong’ to ensuring that ‘as many things as possible go right’. This perspective is termed Safety-II or rather System Thinking and relates to the system’s ability to succeed under varying conditions. The foundation for that is System focus. Safety must be considered in the context of the overall system, not isolated individuals, parts, events or outcomes.