iNM and Digital Transformation of EUROCONTROL


By 2030, on some days there could be daily traffic peaks of close to 50,000 flights in the European ATM network, an approximate increase of 50% compared to 2019 traffic. The forecasted traffic growth is unlikely to be linear but subject to demand waves and volatility, requiring the European ATM network to be resilient enough to withstand any un-predictability.

The performance of the European Aviation Network needs to be substantially improved in terms of capacity, flight efficiency, predictability, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability while continuing to ensure equitable access to all airspace users. The Network must provide the same level of safety as today plus additional vertical scalability and must meet societal needs.
To ensure network services and functions fit for the future, with the support of its Member States, EUROCONTROL has embarked on a full network transformation process. This includes the renewal of EUROCONTROL systems to effectively manage network functions, and the creation of a sustainable and suitable environment to perform these functions.
The new EUROCONTROL operational building that will host the Network Manager OPS centre will be opened on 31st October 2023. Completed in time and on budget, the new OPS building ensures will enable EUROCONTROL to address the challenges of the future.
On the system side, the main EUROCONTROL systems are being upgraded to operate on a EUROCONTROL Digital Platform, unleashing the potential of data integration, operational efficiency, better user interface, and improving the overall functioning and maintenance of the system. The programme is called Integrated Network Management – iNM.
EUROCONTROL and its iNM Partners will discuss in the panel what is it in for Stakeholders, the benefits and the impacts on them.