EUREKA – driving the development of Innovative Air Mobility


EUREKA is a Digital European Sky Fast Track Innovation and Uptake (FTIU) project, with the ambition to shape the future of Urban Air Mobility and drive transformative advancements in air transportation.
Under the lead of EUROCONTROL, its consortium of 35 partners will develop in 3 years industrial solutions demonstrated in operational environment and supporting the European Union’s roadmaps, to accelerate and harmonise the development of UAM, VTOL operations and vertiports across Europe.

EUREKA wants to fulfil the vision of full accommodation of Innovative Air Mobility by integrating vertiports into the airspace and endeavours to address challenges of tomorrow’s cities. It will do so by developing four essential solutions:

Arrival/departure to/from vertiport, encompassing route and trajectory planning
Vertiport collaborative traffic management, optimizing resource utilization and capacity allocation,
Vertiport disruption and emergency management, ensuring preparedness for unforeseen circumstances,
Vertiport Network Flow, Capacity & Operational Management, enabling efficient coordination and operations across the vertiport network.
In this session, Ludovic Legros will give a detailed rpesentation of the project, its ambitions, goals and the state of implementation.